
3 Reasons Why Pet Insurance is Important from the Get-Go

A pet is a lifetime commitment. As a pet-parent, making sure that your pet is protected from pup to slobbery elder is part and parcel. Which is why pet insurance is important from very early on.

Maybe you think we’ve lost the plot on this one. What one earth could your strong, top-of-the-litter and bounding new fur baby possibly need insurance for? Well, a whole lot, we’re afraid to say.

Having a new pet comes with its own excitement and joy but when we’re being realistic (not the same as pessimistic), it also comes with a whole new set of bills and expenses. There’s the responsibility of giving your young pet the best chance possible at a long, happy and comfortable life.

Of course, you can control the obvious health factors surrounding the lifestyle of your pet. Their food, exercise regime, hygiene and rest are all components that you control, and any pet parent will go above and beyond to make sure these basic needs are met.

When it comes to health and medical care, however, you’re better off leaving it to the experts. And the experts, they don’t come cheap.

Discover: 3 Essentials for Every New Pet Parent!

The Basics of Pet Insurance

If this is your first pet rodeo, let’s quickly get you up to speed with what pet insurance is and why it’s important for you and your four-legged compadre. As veterinary science and medicine become more advanced and the options for helping and saving our pets are plenty, the costs have become scarily high.

Pet insurance is a policy put in place where you pay an amount each month (a premium) in exchange for financial assistance in the event your pet gets sick, injured or just needs a routine check-up.

You shouldn’t have to panic-search for tens of thousands of rands (yes, bills get that high and no, it isn’t unusual) in a moment’s notice because Jock has swallowed a bird or Snowy ran into the road.

Why Pet Insurance is Important from the Get-Go

What are the reasons that people insure their pets from a young age, and why should you?

1.     Routine care

When it comes to keeping tabs on your pet’s health, consistency is key. If you start routinely checking your pet’s health from when they are young, they have a better chance of being a healthy animal throughout their life.

Pet insurance isn’t only about saving you money when the dramatics start, it can also cover the costs of routine care and visits to the vet. If your pet receives healthcare from a young age, you can detect any changes or keep an eye out for any warning signs that your vet picks up.

Related: Will Pet Insurance Cover Flea and Tick Treatment?

2.     Pre-existing conditions

For insurance purposes, a pre-existing condition is an illness or ailment that is already present in your pet before they sign up with an insurance policy. Insuring your pet after they have been diagnosed with a pre-existing condition means a few things:

  • Some insurers may refuse to insure your pet
  • Your premiums may be higher due to a risk profile analysis
  • You will typically have to undergo a 12-month waiting period until you are covered (worth the wait if you have to but also worth nipping it in the bud early)
  • Insuring your pet early means that any conditions they develop whilst under their insurance policy will be covered

3.     Accidents happen

We don’t want to say it out loud, but we all know what they say about curiosity and the cat, and what little being could be more curious than a young pet?

Life is about expecting the unexpected – especially when you have a roaming fur-baby exploring their new world. Your pet is still learning about your home, the steep stairs and can’t help but want to chase cars without knowing the true danger.

You can train your pet to know the dangers of the world and how to keep safe, but you can never truly predict or control their actions which is why pet insurance is so, so important. Your pup’s curiosity about what garden snakes taste like or getting under the pool fence could end up costing you anywhere from R2000 to R15 000 in a matter of hours.

When you have pet insurance, the only thing you need to worry about is getting them to the vet on time and making their bed cosy for when they return.

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Choosing a Pet Insurer

Hopefully, we’ve planted some seeds about how to keep your pup safe and protected from the very start, and we’d be happy to help you find the perfect policy for you and your doggo.

When it comes to choosing a pet insurer, our #1 choice is always Oneplan Pet Insurance because they have a wide range of plans to suit every pet and budget, plus they pay you BEFORE you see the vet with their unique Oneplan Claim Card!

You can check out their range of plans here or get a free online quote here.

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